Thursday, June 23, 2016

Videsh Singh, 34 yrs - MURDERED - Gun shot

A man was shot while walking along a track in Princes Town on Tuesday.
Videsh Singh, 34, died while undergoing treatment at the Princes Town Health Facility.
Police were told that at around 1.40 p.m. Singh and another man were walking along the track off Theodore Street when they were approached by a man who pulled out a gun and began firing.
Singh was shot several times. His companion ran away.
Singh lived at King Street, First Branch, Princes Town with his wife and two sons, ages 11 and six.
A relative said Singh worked as a gardener in Williamsville and was returning home when he was accosted by the gunman.
The relative who asked not to be identified described Singh as a hard worker and committed husband and father.
The relative said it was sad Singh would not be around to experience and share the joy when his son brings home his Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) results soon.
The relative said: “His brother and wife went out to look for him and found him lying in the track. He was shot in the chest area at least six times.”
Singh was described as “very ambitious”, having acquired land from another relative in Williamsville to do gardening. 
Homicide detective Callender is investigating. - Express

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