Saturday, February 14, 2015

Ricky Joseph - Murder #25

Murder #25: Male, 37 years old, shot to death.

Assassination in Couva
Sat 31 January 2015 - Early Saturday morning around 3:45 AM, father of two Ricky Roger Joseph, 37, of Claxton Bay was shot to death outside his mother's Balisier Street, Couva house. He had just given family and friends a ride home from a night of liming nearby.

After dropping off his passengers, Joseph was sitting behind the wheel of his parked car, when a man wearing a hoodie walked up and started shooting. The victim was struck about the body multiple times and died instantly. The killer than escaped in a nearby waiting car.

Police were called and Joseph was pronounced dead at the scene. His body was taken to the Forensic Science Centre in St James for an autopsy to be performed Monday.

Joseph was released from prison in 2010 after being charged, along with another man, for the murder of a disk jockey in 2003. The two men were tried twice, each trial ending in a hung jury

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